November 12, 2001

Amelie from Montmartre
I just went to see this movie and it is awesome! If you live in the Kansas City area, check it out at the Tivoli in Westport right now!

November 8, 2001

ET: The 20th Anniversary
Just saw this trailer. Check it out. They are re-doing it sorta like they re-did Star Wars a few years back and re-releasing it at the theaters.
Here is a kewl looking movie starring Tom Cruise and its a Cameron Crowe film.
Star Wars: Episode II | Teaser Trailer: Breathing
FINALLY, a teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode II. If you want to see it at the theaters, go see Monsters Inc. They show it before the movie.

October 10, 2001

This is a new show on ABC that rocks! I've seen both episodes and they are great. If you are a fan of The Matrix or spy thrillers, then this show should be your cup of tea.
Joy Ride
This movie ROCKS!!!

October 1, 2001

I know it's been awhile since I last posted, but I've been busy...and very happy!

I've been seeing this wonderful creature named Kimberly and I have to tell you the story of how we met because it is a crazy one.

First off, I belong to a Yahoo! club and we all went out to a dance club called Funkytown on the 15th. When I got there I saw this wonderful looking girl near the front of the door, but she was not part of the group of people I was with. I was standing by her waiting for other people from the club to come in so I could tell them where the group was sitting. I wanted to ask her to dance, but I chickened out.

On the 19th I got an e-mail from a girl that saw my profile on Yahoo! and wondered if we could chat because she loves movies and noticed I loved them too. I replied the next day and we ended up chatting on Yahoo Messenger on the 22nd. While chatting, I asked if she would mind talking on the phone, so we stopped chatting on Messenger and she called me. We talked for hours and during the conversation I asked what she did the previous weekend. She told me she went to Funkytown on the 15th too. Next I asked where in the club she was hanging out and what she was wearing. Low-and-behold, I find out she is the girl I wanted to ask to dance!!! We figure this is way too much of a coincidence, so we make a date for the next afternoon. We spent the whole day and evening together, at the Plaza, and had a WONDERFUL time!

After that we saw each other again once this week and we spent this whole weekend together.

This weekend a few more wild things happened that was just TOO coincidental. Before going shopping on Saturday we parked the car and noticed "John + Kimberly" inside a heart written in dust on an old drive-up teller machine. Later that night we saw Serendipity starring John Cusack. In the movie there is a part where John (which is also the characters name) connects the moles on his dates arm to form the constellation Cassiopeia. On our second date, four days before seeing the movie mind you, I showed Kimberly the moles on my arm and showed her how they formed the constellation Cassiopeia. Also in the same movie, there is a part where John is forced to buy a full purple suit and shoes and purple is Kimberly's favorite color.

To some this may sound just like we are grasping at straws, but we both believe it is fate that we met.

We are way beyond dating now and, as of the 30th, decided to start seeing each other exclusively! I could not be any happier! :)

September 13, 2001

I've been watching the news quite a bit lately, but when it gets to depressing I've been listening to my MP3's. I have so many of them I'm having to listen to all of them one by one and see which ones aren't defective.
Update: If you read my weblog periodically you probably read my post on 9/11 about the outrageous gas price at one of the stations here in town. Yesterday I went back to the station to buy lottery tickets and on the door of the station was a note stating that if anyone bought gas at that price they are entitled to a refund. Thank God!

September 12, 2001

Couldn't sleep good last night. All I kept dreaming of was news reports about the WTC and Pentagon attacks. It was as if I had the television news on all night and and it incorporated itself into my dreams!

September 11, 2001

I live here in Lathrop, MO and I drove to a gas station in town to take some pictures of the insanity.
Here is the OUTRAGEOUS price that somone paid for gas at a nearby station!
My sister wakes me up and tells me two planes have hit the world trade center and both towers have collapsed. I turn on the tune and see the Pentagon is on freaking fire. I can't believe this shit. Now I am trying to go to ANY of the news websites and I can't get into them. I'll be posting more during the day I'm sure!

September 7, 2001

I slept wonderfully last night! Now if I can find the damn cricket that kept making racket I'll be good to go.

September 6, 2001

I get my bed today! I'll post tomorrow and let you all know if I had a goodnight sleep.
I'm going to the Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Bailey Circus tonight with my sister and niece. We have front row seats! My niece has never been and I know she is going to have a lot of fun! I know I'll have a goodtime too, even though I have this thing about clowns. They creep me out! Have you ever seen the Stephen King movie IT?!
Something is annoying me and I thought I'd tell you about it. What is the deal with all of these people getting killed by sharks?! I have a simple solution...STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THE OCEAN!!! Wouldn't you be pissed if some shark came into your home and started making a bunch of racket?!?!

September 3, 2001

I'm getting an early Christmas present on Thursday. A BRAND NEW bed! It's a kickass queen size Simmons Beautyrest! It feels like heaven when you lay on it.

For the people that don't know, I've slept on a couch for probably 10 or more years of my life. It's not that I prefer a couch to sleep on, I fucking hate them, I just didn't have a choice in the matter. When I was living with my folks my great aunt was ill and she lived with us so I lost my bed and slept on the couch. She passed and I stayed on the couch until I got a water bed. I slept on that until the novelty of sleeping on a water filled mattress wore off. I went out and bought a futon. It was like sleeping on a burlap bag, not to mention the rug burns I got using it if you know what I mean. I went to just a mattress on the floor until present day where I live with my sister and sleep on the couch again.

Sorry, I had to make a long story even longer! :) I just am going to love having a bed again!
I saw JEEPERS CREEPERS last night at the drive-in and it SUCKS! DO NOT GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!

I read the news online today and nearly shit my pants. JEEPERS CREEPERS is #1 at the box office!!!
Recently I've been getting out more thanks to some of the Yahoo! clubs I belong to. They have parties and get togethers to socialize and just have a goodtime. I've been having a great time with all of you (you know who you are)!

If there is anyone out there reading this, and you feel lonely or just don't feel like you get out as much as you should, then you should definitely join a Yahoo! club.

August 24, 2001

I've been off caffeine for nearly a month now and Sunday I'm going to start cutting down on sugar.

August 21, 2001

Just finished "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" last week. I can't wait until the next book and I'm definitely going to see the movie come November.

August 20, 2001

August 19, 2001

I'm so sick and tired of personal ads. For most of my Internet life, I've been looking for the "perfect" woman on the personal ads and have not really had all that much luck. I've finally just have come to the conclusion that I should stop looking and just let it happen. From now on I'm just going to be friends with, date or have sex when I want. You know just have fun with life and stop taking things too seriously when it comes to matters of the heart/sex/love/whatever!

August 17, 2001

Well, on Wednesday my sister made me an uncle again! :) I am now the proud uncle of Peyton. He is 7lbs. 14oz.

July 5, 2001

In the last week I've seen a few movies at the local cineplex. Here are my ratings of the one's I have seen:

Scary Movie 2: I saw the first Scary Movie and thought it was alright. So going into this one I thought I'd at least be entertained, but I wasn't. This is a god-awful movie. I almost walked out, but had to see if it was going to get any better. There are a few shimmering moments of laughter, but mostly just jokes that didn't quite hit the mark. Don't go see it. Wait for it to come to cable so you can get up and turn off the set midway.

Tomb Raider: I wasn't expecting much going into this one, but I was pleasantly suprised going out. The story was better than expected, effects were good and the action was intense. I'd compare this movie with The X-Men. I f you have the time, check it out while it's at the theater.

A.I.: I expected a much better movie from Steven Spielberg. Don't get me wrong, the story is alright, the acting and directing is great, but I just wasn't thrilled with the movie. I've heard the reviewers saying the movie is a "futuristic Pinochio", which is valid. I'd compare this movie with Bicentennial Man with Robin Williams, Bicentennial Man being the better of the two. If you really want to see, check it out, but I'd recommend to see it on video/DVD.

Swordfish: To end this blog post on a good note, this movie is awesome! It has action, mystery and technology. I'm not sure why this movie isn't still number one. It has a sort of Usual Suspects ending which I love. Go see this movie.

Well, that's it for my musings on the last few movies I've seen.
Big Brother 2 is on right now and I didn't even know it was starting tonight!

July 2, 2001

Within the month, when they release shipping dates for Star Wars Episode I, The Godfather Collection and Citizen Kane you know that DVD has finally become an industry standard for watching movies at home. BRAVO!!!

July 1, 2001

Chet Atkins, Dead at 77

That makes three. People always die in three's!

June 22, 2001

May 29, 2001

Hi everyone. Long time, no see huh?

Let me catch you up on what's been going on in the World According to John. My doctor put me on a new depression medication called Celexa. I'm not sure if it is the medication or me, but my mood has been GREAT lately, my energy is getting better and I'm actually trying to date a little now. My sleep pattern is still bonkers, but hopefully it comes around as well. My sis is having her baby in Augaust and all is going well. She is getting VERY big! My friends Dan and Michelle had themselves a new baby boy recently.

I'm going to Austin, TX to a party being put on by some good friends at Curvycats. It's the weekend before my 30th birthday, so I figured I should go and treat myself to a little vacation. It's going to be great!

I'll try and start posting more about whats going on in my neck of the woods, ideas and thoughts.

Be Good to Each Other!


April 11, 2001

I just realized something horrible! My 30th birthday is 2 months from today. :(
I finished HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE the other day. I really enjoyed it! I can't wait to go out and pick up a copy of the next one!

March 30, 2001

I'm not much of a reader. And when I say that I mean I haven't read a book in it's entirety for the last 10 years or so now. Well, a few months ago when the Harry Potter media blitz was going on, I broke down and went and bought the first book. I figured I'd read it sometime and just put it away. Well, there it laid until a few days ago. I started to read it and before I knew it I was on chapter five. I love this book!

March 29, 2001

Here is a funny fwd. I got from a friend the other day. I laughed my ass off!

1) At lunch time, sit in your parked car w/sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
2) Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
3) Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that
4) Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "IN."
5) Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.
6) In the memo field of all your checks, write 'for sexual favors.'
7) As often as possible, skip rather than walk.
8) Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."
9) Sing along at the opera.
10) Call the psychic hotline and don't say anything.
11) When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot, yelling "Run for your lives, they're loose!"
12) Tell your friends, "It's not the voices in my head that bother me, its the voices in your head that do."
13) Tell your children over dinner, "Due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go."

March 28, 2001

I hope to be putting alot more info. here, but I'm busy right now trying to code this damn website!
I saw this segment on The Screen Savers about this cool application called Blogger and figured I'd implement it into my site. Whatcha think?!

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