September 13, 2001

I've been watching the news quite a bit lately, but when it gets to depressing I've been listening to my MP3's. I have so many of them I'm having to listen to all of them one by one and see which ones aren't defective.
Update: If you read my weblog periodically you probably read my post on 9/11 about the outrageous gas price at one of the stations here in town. Yesterday I went back to the station to buy lottery tickets and on the door of the station was a note stating that if anyone bought gas at that price they are entitled to a refund. Thank God!

September 12, 2001

Couldn't sleep good last night. All I kept dreaming of was news reports about the WTC and Pentagon attacks. It was as if I had the television news on all night and and it incorporated itself into my dreams!

September 11, 2001

I live here in Lathrop, MO and I drove to a gas station in town to take some pictures of the insanity.
Here is the OUTRAGEOUS price that somone paid for gas at a nearby station!
My sister wakes me up and tells me two planes have hit the world trade center and both towers have collapsed. I turn on the tune and see the Pentagon is on freaking fire. I can't believe this shit. Now I am trying to go to ANY of the news websites and I can't get into them. I'll be posting more during the day I'm sure!

September 7, 2001

I slept wonderfully last night! Now if I can find the damn cricket that kept making racket I'll be good to go.

September 6, 2001

I get my bed today! I'll post tomorrow and let you all know if I had a goodnight sleep.
I'm going to the Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Bailey Circus tonight with my sister and niece. We have front row seats! My niece has never been and I know she is going to have a lot of fun! I know I'll have a goodtime too, even though I have this thing about clowns. They creep me out! Have you ever seen the Stephen King movie IT?!
Something is annoying me and I thought I'd tell you about it. What is the deal with all of these people getting killed by sharks?! I have a simple solution...STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THE OCEAN!!! Wouldn't you be pissed if some shark came into your home and started making a bunch of racket?!?!

September 3, 2001

I'm getting an early Christmas present on Thursday. A BRAND NEW bed! It's a kickass queen size Simmons Beautyrest! It feels like heaven when you lay on it.

For the people that don't know, I've slept on a couch for probably 10 or more years of my life. It's not that I prefer a couch to sleep on, I fucking hate them, I just didn't have a choice in the matter. When I was living with my folks my great aunt was ill and she lived with us so I lost my bed and slept on the couch. She passed and I stayed on the couch until I got a water bed. I slept on that until the novelty of sleeping on a water filled mattress wore off. I went out and bought a futon. It was like sleeping on a burlap bag, not to mention the rug burns I got using it if you know what I mean. I went to just a mattress on the floor until present day where I live with my sister and sleep on the couch again.

Sorry, I had to make a long story even longer! :) I just am going to love having a bed again!
I saw JEEPERS CREEPERS last night at the drive-in and it SUCKS! DO NOT GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!

I read the news online today and nearly shit my pants. JEEPERS CREEPERS is #1 at the box office!!!
Recently I've been getting out more thanks to some of the Yahoo! clubs I belong to. They have parties and get togethers to socialize and just have a goodtime. I've been having a great time with all of you (you know who you are)!

If there is anyone out there reading this, and you feel lonely or just don't feel like you get out as much as you should, then you should definitely join a Yahoo! club.

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